A Business Man, A Board Member, A Coach, A Role Model–A Saint Anselm Alumni

There are many programs, events, reunions, and even associations that keep St. Anselm graduates associated with the college. However, it is not often alumni such as Tom Bullock stay as involved as he has. Post-graduation Bullock pursued a career in sales through starting a business named Amoskeag Beverages—a successful alcoholic beverage distribution company about twenty-minutes north of Manchester, NH. Along with managing his company, Bullock is a highly regarded board member of the Hawk Hockey Association, and most recently took on the role as the sponsor/coach of the newly-founded boy’s club hockey team. His contribution is not only supplemental with the monetary support he provides but also with his dedication and loyalty to those who he interacts with and impacts on a daily basis.

Being in the midst of the hockey season, and with a record of 11-9, it is necessary to recognize the achievements of this club program that was initially expected to diminish within the first few months. Although the group of boys that comprise the club team are a talented bunch, when the club team was first established in 2010 by student Bryan McCormack, a sophomore at the time, the team was dependent on its members to donate their own money for food, transportation, and uniform. And due to the expense of ice-time and money for reffing, the team was unable to hold a home game. The school provided the club with the allotted amount of money but hockey is an expensive sport and therefore this money hardly covered the cost of ice time; the lack of funding really threatened the club and the possibility of its future existence. But with Bullock’s help, the club team has been able to hang up their old, hand-me-down, practice jerseys and instead sport an entirely new uniform. They are provided a bus for transportation to their distant away games as well as food before the game. According to Mike Maffeo, a senior criminal justice major and player on the club team, “Having Bullock really helped us have some structure that we didn’t have before without a coach and he even helped us establish some systems of play. You can tell that he really wants to help and that he really cares and that is probably what we needed most. I think his most valued contribution was the money that allowed us to host our opponents in St. Anselm’s own Sullivan Arena.” Bullock’s involvement with the varsity hockey programs and most recently, as aforementioned, the boy’s club hockey team has allowed for the teams to develop into some of the most successful and thus, reputable programs at the St. Anselm College. Bullock’s selflessness allows for both the varsity and club teams to have the means and support of an exemplary St. Anselm alumnus.Image

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